ABC LGBT is meant to be an easy-to-use reference and easy-to-share resource for information about LGBT identities. It is not exhaustive, but it is accessible and accurate.
Aromantic Spectrum
Asexual SpectrumB
Binary Trans Man
Binary Trans Woman
Bisexual UmbrellaC
Gay Man
Gay Woman
Gender Alignment
Gender Expression
Gender Non-Conforming
Multisexual SpectrumN
Nonbinary Trans Man
Nonbinary Trans WomanO
Trans Feminine
Trans Masculine

Lesbian AKA Gay Woman - A woman who is exclusively attracted to other women
- This identity label can be used by some nonbinary people (except those which are man-aligned)Lesbianism AKA Female Homosexuality
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are man-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes men and people who are attracted to menMasculine Counterpart - Gay Man
Similar Identities - Feminamoric, Sapphic

Gay Man - A man who is exclusively attracted to other men
- This identity label can be used by some nonbinary people (except those which are woman-aligned)Male Homosexuality
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are woman-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes women and people who are attracted to womenFeminine Counterpart - Lesbian
Similar Identities - Viramoric, Achillean

Feminamoric - A nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to women
- This identity label can not be used by binary women or binary menFeminamoricism
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are man-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes people who are attracted to menNote: Someone who fits the definition of feminamoric may prefer to identify as a (nonbinary) lesbian as long as they are not man-alignedMasculine Counterpart - Viramoric
Similar Identities - Lesbian, Trixic

Viramoric - A nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to men
- This identity label can not be used by binary women or binary menViramoricism
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are woman-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes people who are attracted to womenNote: Someone who fits the definition of viramoric may prefer to identify as a (nonbinary) gay man as long as they are not woman-alignedFeminine Counterpart - Feminamoric
Similar Identities - Gay Man, Toric

Bisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to their own gender and other gendersBisexuality
- Can include attraction to any or all gendersSimilar Identities - Multisexual Spectrum

Multisexual Spectrum (Mspec) - Umbrella term for orientations that can include attraction to any or all genders
- Bisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to their own gender and other genders
- Multisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to multiple genders including their own
- Pansexual - A person of any gender who experiences attraction regardless of gender
- Polysexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to various genders including their own
- Omnisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to all gendersSimilar Identities - Bisexual

Sapphic AKA Woman-Loving-Woman (WLW) - Umbrella term for all women who experience attraction to other women, exclusively or not
- Includes lesbians and bisexual women
- Can be used by people with nonbinary genders (except those which are man-aligned)Masculine Counterpart - Achillean

Achillean AKA Man-Loving-Man (MLM) - Umbrella term for all men who experience attraction to other men, exclusively or not
- Includes gay men and bisexual men
- Can be used by people with nonbinary genders (except those which are woman-aligned)Feminine Counterpart - Sapphic

Trixic AKA Woman-Loving Nonbinary (WLNBY) AKA Nonbinary-Loving-Woman (NBYLW) - Umbrella term for all nonbinary people who experience attraction to women, exclusively or not
- Includes nonbinary lesbians, nonbinary bisexuals, and feminamoricsNote: Someone who fits the definition of trixic may prefer to identify as sapphic as long as they are not man-alignedMasculine Counterpart - Toric

Toric AKA Man-Loving Nonbinary (MLNBY) AKA Nonbinary-Loving-Man (NBYLM) - Umbrella term for all nonbinary people who experience attraction to men, exclusively or not
- Includes nonbinary gay men, nonbinary bisexuals, and viramoricsNote: Someone who fits the definition of toric may prefer to identify as achillean as long as they are not woman-alignedFeminine Counterpart - Trixic

Transgender (Trans) - Describes a person who does not identify with the gender that they were assigned at birth
- (Binary) Trans Woman - A person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but now identifies as female; may also be described as male-to-female (MTF)
- (Binary) Trans Man - A person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but now identifies as male; may also be described as female-to-male (FTM)
- Nonbinary (NBY) - Describes a person who does not identify as a binary woman or a binary man; umbrella term for all gender identities which are not binary female or binary male

Nonbinary (NBY) - Describes a person who does not identify as a binary woman or a binary man; umbrella term for all gender identities which are not binary female or binary male
- Nonbinary genders may be woman-aligned, man-aligned, androgynous-aligned, or neutral-aligned/unaligned
- (Nonbinary) Trans Woman - A person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but now identifies as woman-aligned may choose to identify as a (nonbinary) trans woman
- (Nonbinary) Trans Man - A person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but now identifies as man-aligned may choose to identify as a (nonbinary) trans man

Queer - A term used as a slur against LGBT people; some LGBT people have reclaimed the term
- As an identity, it may refer to anyone who experiences attraction to their own gender and/or does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth
Gender Alignment - Describes an attachment or relationship between a nonbinary person's gender and a binary gender; if a nonbinary person feels their gender is partially a binary gender or is influenced by a binary gender, they may identify as being aligned with that binary gender
- Man-Aligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are partially male or are influenced by manhood
- Woman-Aligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are partially female or are influenced by womanhood
- Androgynous-Aligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are both woman-aligned and man-aligned
- Neutral-Aligned/Unaligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are neither woman-aligned nor man-aligned
Gender Expression - Describes the way a person's gender identity manifests through their physical appearance and behaviors
- Feminine (Fem) - Describes a gender expression which is primarily influenced by traditionally female appearances and behaviors
- Masculine (Masc) - Describes a gender expression which is primarily influenced by traditionally male appearances and behaviors
- Androgynous - Describes a gender expression which is primarily influenced by both traditionally female and traditionally male appearances and behaviors
- Gender Neutral - Describes a gender expression which is not particularly influenced by either traditionally female or traditionally male appearances or behaviorsIdentities Related to Gender Expression
- Pronoun Non-Conforming (PNC) - Describes a person who uses pronouns that do not conform to their gender identity, such as a woman who uses masculine pronouns or a man who uses feminine pronouns
- Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) - Describes a person with a gender expression that does not conform to their gender identity, such as a masculine-presenting woman or a feminine-presenting man
- Trans Feminine (Trans Fem) - Describes a person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but who has a feminine gender expression; can include both feminine-presenting trans women and some GNC men
- Trans Masculine (Trans Masc) - Describes a person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but who has a masculine gender expression; can include both masculine-presenting trans men and some GNC women

Asexual Spectrum (Acespec) - A collection of labels for those who experience little to no sexual attraction; acespec people may identify as LGBT or may not
- Asexual (Ace) - A person of any gender who does not experience any sexual attraction; may also refer to any acespec person
- Greysexual - A person of any gender who experiences very little or very infrequent sexual attraction
- Demisexual - A person of any gender who only experiences conditional sexual attractionNote: Acespec individuals can be of any orientation because no orientation specifically requires sexual attraction; aces may be aroaces, lesbian aces, bi aces, gay aces, straight aces, etc...