ABC LGBT is meant to be an easy-to-use reference and easy-to-share resource for information about LGBT identities. It is not exhaustive, but it is accessible and accurate.

Lesbian AKA Gay Woman - A woman who is exclusively attracted to other women
- This identity label can be used by some nonbinary people (except those which are man-aligned)
Lesbianism AKA Female Homosexuality
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are man-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes men and people who are attracted to men
Masculine Counterpart - Gay Man
Similar Identities - Feminamoric, Sapphic

Gay Man - A man who is exclusively attracted to other men
- This identity label can be used by some nonbinary people (except those which are woman-aligned)
Male Homosexuality
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are woman-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes women and people who are attracted to women
Feminine Counterpart - Lesbian
Similar Identities - Viramoric, Achillean

Feminamoric - A nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to women
- This identity label can not be used by binary women or binary men
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are man-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes people who are attracted to men
Note: Someone who fits the definition of feminamoric may prefer to identify as a (nonbinary) lesbian as long as they are not man-alignedMasculine Counterpart - Viramoric
Similar Identities - Lesbian, Trixic

Viramoric - A nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to men
- This identity label can not be used by binary women or binary men
- Can include attraction to some nonbinary genders (except those which are woman-aligned)
- Differs from bisexuality in that it excludes people who are attracted to women
Note: Someone who fits the definition of viramoric may prefer to identify as a (nonbinary) gay man as long as they are not woman-alignedFeminine Counterpart - Feminamoric
Similar Identities - Gay Man, Toric

Bisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to their own gender and other gendersBisexuality
- Can include attraction to any or all genders
Similar Identities - Multisexual Spectrum

Multisexual Spectrum (Mspec) - Umbrella term for orientations that can include attraction to any or all genders
- Bisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to their own gender and other genders
- Multisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to multiple genders including their own
- Pansexual - A person of any gender who experiences attraction regardless of gender
- Polysexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to various genders including their own
- Omnisexual - A person of any gender who is attracted to all genders
Similar Identities - Bisexual

Sapphic AKA Woman-Loving-Woman (WLW) - Umbrella term for all women who experience attraction to other women, exclusively or not
- Includes lesbians and bisexual women
- Can be used by people with nonbinary genders (except those which are man-aligned)
Masculine Counterpart - Achillean

Achillean AKA Man-Loving-Man (MLM) - Umbrella term for all men who experience attraction to other men, exclusively or not
- Includes gay men and bisexual men
- Can be used by people with nonbinary genders (except those which are woman-aligned)
Feminine Counterpart - Sapphic

Trixic AKA Woman-Loving Nonbinary (WLNBY) AKA Nonbinary-Loving-Woman (NBYLW) - Umbrella term for all nonbinary people who experience attraction to women, exclusively or not
- Includes nonbinary lesbians, nonbinary bisexuals, and feminamorics
Note: Someone who fits the definition of trixic may prefer to identify as sapphic as long as they are not man-alignedMasculine Counterpart - Toric

Toric AKA Man-Loving Nonbinary (MLNBY) AKA Nonbinary-Loving-Man (NBYLM) - Umbrella term for all nonbinary people who experience attraction to men, exclusively or not
- Includes nonbinary gay men, nonbinary bisexuals, and viramorics
Note: Someone who fits the definition of toric may prefer to identify as achillean as long as they are not woman-alignedFeminine Counterpart - Trixic

Transgender (Trans) - Describes a person who does not identify with the gender that they were assigned at birth
- (Binary) Trans Woman - A person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but now identifies as female; may also be described as male-to-female (MTF)
- (Binary) Trans Man - A person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but now identifies as male; may also be described as female-to-male (FTM)
- Nonbinary (NBY) - Describes a person who does not identify as a binary woman or a binary man; umbrella term for all gender identities which are not binary female or binary male

Nonbinary (NBY) - Describes a person who does not identify as a binary woman or a binary man; umbrella term for all gender identities which are not binary female or binary male
- Nonbinary genders may be woman-aligned, man-aligned, androgynous-aligned, or neutral-aligned/unaligned
- (Nonbinary) Trans Woman - A person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but now identifies as woman-aligned may choose to identify as a (nonbinary) trans woman
- (Nonbinary) Trans Man - A person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but now identifies as man-aligned may choose to identify as a (nonbinary) trans man

Queer - A term used as a slur against LGBT people; some LGBT people have reclaimed the term
- As an identity, it may refer to anyone who experiences attraction to their own gender and/or does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth

Gender Alignment - Describes an attachment or relationship between a nonbinary person's gender and a binary gender; if a nonbinary person feels their gender is partially a binary gender or is influenced by a binary gender, they may identify as being aligned with that binary gender
- Man-Aligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are partially male or are influenced by manhood
- Woman-Aligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are partially female or are influenced by womanhood
- Androgynous-Aligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are both woman-aligned and man-aligned
- Neutral-Aligned/Unaligned - Describes nonbinary genders which are neither woman-aligned nor man-aligned

Gender Expression - Describes the way a person's gender identity manifests through their physical appearance and behaviors
- Feminine (Fem) - Describes a gender expression which is primarily influenced by traditionally female appearances and behaviors
- Masculine (Masc) - Describes a gender expression which is primarily influenced by traditionally male appearances and behaviors
- Androgynous - Describes a gender expression which is primarily influenced by both traditionally female and traditionally male appearances and behaviors
- Gender Neutral - Describes a gender expression which is not particularly influenced by either traditionally female or traditionally male appearances or behaviors
Identities Related to Gender Expression
- Pronoun Non-Conforming (PNC) - Describes a person who uses pronouns that do not conform to their gender identity, such as a woman who uses masculine pronouns or a man who uses feminine pronouns
- Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) - Describes a person with a gender expression that does not conform to their gender identity, such as a masculine-presenting woman or a feminine-presenting man
- Trans Feminine (Trans Fem) - Describes a person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but who has a feminine gender expression; can include both feminine-presenting trans women and some GNC men
- Trans Masculine (Trans Masc) - Describes a person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but who has a masculine gender expression; can include both masculine-presenting trans men and some GNC women

Asexual Spectrum (Acespec) - A collection of labels for those who experience little to no sexual attraction; acespec people may identify as LGBT or may not
- Asexual (Ace) - A person of any gender who does not experience any sexual attraction; may also refer to any acespec person
- Greysexual - A person of any gender who experiences very little or very infrequent sexual attraction
- Demisexual - A person of any gender who only experiences conditional sexual attraction
Note: Acespec individuals can be of any orientation because no orientation specifically requires sexual attraction; aces may be aroaces, lesbian aces, bi aces, gay aces, straight aces, etc...

Aromantic Spectrum (Arospec) - A collection of labels for those who experience little to no romantic attraction; arospec people may identify as LGBT or may not
- Aromantic (Aro) - A person of any gender who does not experience any romantic attraction; may also refer to any arospec person
- Greyromantic - A person of any gender who experiences very little or very infrequent romantic attraction
- Demiromantic - A person of any gender who only experiences conditional romantic attraction
Note: Arospec individuals can be of any orientation because no orientation specifically requires romantic attraction; aros may be aroaces, aro lesbians, aro bis, aro gays, aro straights, etc...